It’s a Family Tradition.

Have any family traditions? Christmas caroling, seriously, who still does that.. I’ll join in.  Watching A Christmas Story on re run? Bing drinking till Grandma passes out? Well, you could be like my family and make the worlds most difficult  detail oriented (decor wise) Christmas sugar cookies.  Honestly, I have no clue how long my family has been doing this.  I’m guessing since my mum was little because this recipe is at least 50 years old.

Today was my first day to attempt said cookies.  By myself.  So I pull out my mums trusty box-o- recipes.  Seriously, this thing is ancient. It’s like the 60’s took a shit on a tin box. (Pic to follow). However, since this sucker holds 4 generations, yes 4, of women’s hand writing and recipes.  It is one of the many things I own that I cherish.  Needless to say, I had fun making these things!  I remember making them with my mum and grams, while they drank baileys in their coffee.  I was plum out of baileys so I substituted it for wine. Wine with no coffee so, just wine.  Totally made my husband join in on the festivity!  The decorating too.

Thus I give to you the Held-McCaffrey-McCurry-Oates’ Epic Christmas Cutout Cookies.  Feel free to tell me about your favorite traditions!

-That Crazy Yankee Mum


Toddler Photobombs


First, I’m an Aquarius so by nature I’m a procrastinator.  Secondly, I run a damn business with 60 + kids daily so, whatever.  However, I feel like one of those moms who should have everything perfect.  The house, decor and most importantly the epic Christmas cards.  Let me tell you something for all you out there with no kids (or grown kids, in which case you have long forgotten the toddler stage).. It’s extremely hard to get good photos with a smiling toddler.  Seriously, unless you have classically conditioned your kiddo to smile when they see a camera, you’re screwed.  So with that I give to you, “Top 3 things my fat ass will remember for the next family photos.”

1: Props- something to entertain my kiddo & or add a festive flare.

2: Snacks- seeing as how we literally could walk to the location I didn’t think it necessary to take any. I was wrong.

3: Extra jewelry for both Alice and I.  Chick totally stole my necklace. Thanks boo.. 😘

With this my Christmas Gift to you are our out takes. Enjoy.


-Damn Yankee Mum

Thanks & Giving

My first post, look at me go world!  I often wondered if I started a blog what my first post would be.  Since we just celebrated Thanksgiving, I’ll give you my top 5 reasons I’m thankful, that it’s finally over..

  1. It is now acceptable to put out any and all Christmas decor.
  2. My wicked huge Christmas tree survived hibernation, literally it’s 7 feet tall. I’m glad that monstrosity made it.
  3. The stress of one holiday is over.  Made it clear, no huge familial scars. Made it out b*****s!
  4. Christmas lights, need I say more?
  5. KLUV is already playing christmas music and now Tad (my husband) will let me jam sesh!!


So, feel free to tell me all the things you’re thankful for now that the holiday is over!

