Thanks & Giving

My first post, look at me go world!  I often wondered if I started a blog what my first post would be.  Since we just celebrated Thanksgiving, I’ll give you my top 5 reasons I’m thankful, that it’s finally over..

  1. It is now acceptable to put out any and all Christmas decor.
  2. My wicked huge Christmas tree survived hibernation, literally it’s 7 feet tall. I’m glad that monstrosity made it.
  3. The stress of one holiday is over.  Made it clear, no huge familial scars. Made it out b*****s!
  4. Christmas lights, need I say more?
  5. KLUV is already playing christmas music and now Tad (my husband) will let me jam sesh!!


So, feel free to tell me all the things you’re thankful for now that the holiday is over!

